About Us

At the heart of Stick With Finn lies a simple truth: it’s the little things in life.

At the heart of Stick With Finn lies a simple truth: it’s the little things in life.

Elle & Finn

It all began with Finn, Elle's canine companion. Over countless adventures with Elle through the years, his little legs have never hindered him from climbing big mountains- with an even bigger smile. 
Finn’s warm heart and adventurous spirit got us thinking. We wanted to find a way to keep those happy, little moments close and share them with others. 

Paws to Prints

So, Stick With Finn was born, a family-run sticker business, where we transform 'the little things in life' into tangible keepsakes, ensuring you can carry a piece of joy wherever you go.
Whether it’s a passion for nature, an interest in sports, or a love for learning, our stickers are designed to help you connect with what you love and express yourself to the world.
At Stick With Finn, the little things matter the most. Because sometimes, it’s the smallest moments that hold the greatest meaning.
And just like Finn, a little sticker can be a big reminder to slow down, celebrate the moments that make us laugh, and to embrace the feelings of connection and purpose. Each one brings bite-sized joy, capturing the essence of what we cherish most.